Thank You for Being Our Friends

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and we have the BEST volunteers in the world at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve! All it takes is willingness to help and a big smile.
What kind of people come to volunteer with us? Well, we have students earning service hours and retirees with time and skills to share. People who work full-time still find opportunities to volunteer, and sometimes a company sponsors a work day for their employees. Church groups come for a work day as well. Of course, our Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts are always wonderful. The bridges and benches you enjoy around the preserve were all made by Eagle Scouts, as were the two dugouts by the baseball field. We have a terrific liaison with the scouts in Greg Uligian.
What can you do if you want to volunteer? Gardeners and weed pullers are always needed. The Oldham County Master Gardeners are helping with the Woodland Fern Garden as it grows. Patty usually needs some help in the office, and Mahan Manor needs cleaning like any other house. Other volunteers are builders, painters, craft makers, and renewers. We have teachers who help with field trips, and others are naturalists, song singers, costume wearers, actors and historians. Our wonderful Board of Directors not only come for Directors meetings to guide our activities, but they participate in our large events such as Nature Fest, Halloween Harvest and the Nature of Christmas in Goshen. You have probably seen Buford Parrish driving the tractor at our hay rides, since that is his favorite job!
Even if we have not listed or shown everyone who comes to volunteer, please accept our heartfelt and warmest thanks for you time and dedication. We couldn’t be such a success without you. Remember, a volunteer is a person who works without pay, not because their work is worthless, but because it’s priceless! So thank you for being our friends!