Robin Scientists
We are all getting really tired of the cold, snow and ice this winter, right? So are the robins. But they know the scientific way to deal with the cold.…
We are all getting really tired of the cold, snow and ice this winter, right? So are the robins. But they know the scientific way to deal with the cold.…
Once again, winter is descending on Kentucky in full force. I drink lots of hot tea, snuggle under my fleece blanket, and wear lots of layers to keep warm. But…
We have all heard that moss grows on the north side of a tree right? And if we get lost on the woods, we should look for moss to find…
Winter is the most stressful time of year for most forms of life. The key hardships are a lack of food and cold temperatures. However, don't let a reduction in…
It's a unusual treat to see a live owl in the woods. They blend in with their surroundings so well, they are hard to see, and they like it that way.…
Many of us love to hang a Hummingbird feeder near a window. Beautiful flying gems hover near the feeder to sip a quick snack, or they may perch for a…
Everyone loves honey, right? Yum! We all know that honey is made by busy little honey bees, whose numbers are dropping drastically around the country. One of our wonderful…
When is an acorn not an acorn? Sometimes you look up into the branches of an oak tree and see some peculiar looking acorns. They seem to encircle a twig,…
The older I get, the more confused about similar things sometimes. On the other hand, there are many similar things in nature that I have always had trouble distinguishing.…
A great crowd of frog enthusiasts joined Bill Dean, aka Dr. Frog, at the frog pond last week, and not one person said "EWW!" as he netted up frogs, tadpoles and…