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White Snakeroot

Common Name: White Snakeroot

Scientific Name: Ageratina altissima

Family: Asteraceae

Habitat: Woodlands, Rocky Ledges, Thickets, Woodland Edges

Native: Yes

Life Cycle: Perennial

Bloom Time: Summer, Fall

Height: Up to 5 feet

Light: Partial shade to full sun

Soil: Moist, Well drained

Pollinators: Bees, Butterflies

Other: Highly toxic

Description: White Snakeroot is a native, perennial wildflower that blooms between late summer and fall. White Snakeroot can be identified by its small, fluffy white flowers and dark green, sharply toothed leaves and grows naturally in woodlands, woodland edges, thickets, and along rocky ledges. White Snakeroot prefers to grow in partial shade and moist, well-drained soil, but will also grow in full sun and average soil. White Snakeroot attracts many pollinators, including bees and butterflies, but is highly poisonous to humans and pets. This photo of White Snakeroot was taken along the Turkey Trot trail at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve.