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Yellow Toadshade

Common Name: Yellow Toadshade

Scientific Name: Trilllium luteum

Family: Melanthiaceae

Habitat: Woodlands, Near Streams or Rivers, Ledges

Native: Yes

Life Cycle: Perennial

Bloom Time: Spring

Height: Up to 1 foot and 6 inches

Light: Partial shade to deep shade

Soil: Moist, Well drained

Pollinators: Bees

Description: Yellow Toadshade, also known as Yellow Trillium, is a native spring blooming perennial that grows in rich woodlands, along rocky ledges, or near streams and creeks. Yellow Toadshade, which can be identified by its three yellow-green petals and its three green and gray mottled leaves, is also known by its lemon-like scent. If left undisturbed, Yellow Toadshade can grow in colonies over time. This photo of Yellow Toadshade was taken in the Woodland Garden at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve.